
A plot of land in remote streets, sharing the ground floor with some abandoned galleries, empty, adjacent to a building of 15 floors and there is Pallars 400. Small space, corner, ground floor and basement, a building that claims some prominence. Basement with little light, very little light. Calle del Treball, a pleasant pedestrian street. We have to use this public space. From all these brushstrokes of thought, the project "Espacio 400" is born. We propose a space absolutely different from what we have seen. Let it enter the green one, and get him into the basement. And the light, a lot of light that gives life to the spaces. A huge glass cylinder runs through and connects the building from the roof to the basement. And inside it, we move with the light, up and down the stairs or with the elevator. The light also enters through the façade, slides through it until it reaches the basement from the top, like the periscope of a submarine, which takes the light from outside and
it goes right to the core. Next to the stairs another hole, this one is green, this void takes us the plants, the life, the smell, the textures, to the work area, hanging from the deck. Nature inside the working space. Walls also alive, wall cloths full of leaves and flowers. Punctually, to accompany certain spaces. This is "Espacio400", changing space, cheerful, flexible, adaptable, changeable. Ground floor with working spaces, some completely open, others more intimate. Space for selling the products made in the greenhouse itself. Bar and tasting area. In the basement the most open areas, public, common rooms, multiple uses, office where you can make meetings, space with bleachers to make projections, yoga, or presentations. These are not spaces, but moments need that flexibility decides on each occasion. And the roof is the small oasis of the area, with a pergola where the plants fall to your head, where the vegetables are cultivated and grow, green cover, with benches to be able to rest, try and see what grows.