Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy
Residential - bathroom
Leroy Merlin's long-term research survey on future housing “Osservatorio sulla Casa” enters its fifth edition: the focus will be on designing the ideal bathroom
The contest on inventing the house of tomorrow “La Casa di Domani” kicks off to award the best bathroom design
Leroy Merlin has officially kicked off a new edition of “Osservatorio sulla Casa”, its long-term research survey on Italian home design that studies the evolution of the four key principles of Italian homes – comfort, convenience, health and respect for the environment – on the one hand and investigates people's needs by bringing together experts, students and the home owners themselves on the other hand. Every year, after collecting updated information from its survey, the company holds an ideas contest called “La Casa di Domani” which invites students in architecture, engineering and design from Italy's major universities and academies to find ways to regenerate disused urban areas.
Now in its fifth edition, the contest will aim to develop the best bathroom design to improve the quality of life of residents and make bathroom planning more affordable for those with specific needs. To this end, the contest's basic concept is to develop a project that is “affordable” in terms of budget, implementation and sustainability and find ways to make our bathrooms more efficient and comfortable.
In this year's edition, the young designers of tomorrow are invited to prepare 5 mini-bathroom projects. In detail, participants must submit 4 different bathroom styles (one for each style defined by Leroy Merlin) using Leroy Merlin products, plus 1 ideal bathroom, regardless of the products being used, developing it from scratch with ad hoc fittings.
The design ideas (5 mini-bathrooms) must be realistic and feasible, taking into account the 4 key themes that emerged from the “Osservatorio sulla Casa” survey where respondents expressed their wishes on how they would like their ideal home to be, i.e. comfortable to live in, that can help owners save money, takes into account the health and well-being of its inhabitants and is environmentally sustainable. The challenge is to best interpret the wishes of Italians for an “affordable” bathroom that can meet the new and changing needs of modern society.
The best project will be awarded a cash prize of €3,500. The winner(s) will also be given the opportunity to:
• Promote their project via Leroy Merlin Italia's communication channels such as its new bathroom catalogue
• Complete an apprenticeship programme at Leroy Merlin Italia, with the goal to work on actually implementing the project (by participating in the planning and implementation of new in-store showrooms)
• Include the project in the “do-it-ourselves emporium” (“Empori fai da noi”) (, a space where individuals and families who need minor maintenance, repairs or decoration can meet and use the resources made freely available by Leroy Merlin Italia.
The winner will be selected by a Jury of Experts represented by a Scientific Committee made up of Gianni Bientinesi (Leroy Merlin Italia Business Intelligence Director), Fabio Minghetti (Leroy Merlin Italia Architect), Vito Romagnuolo (Leroy Merlin Italia Bathroom and Kitchen Products Director), Stefania Savona (Leroy Merlin Communications Director) Laura Maggi (Freelance Journalist), Rossella Sobrero (Founder and Chair of Koinetica), Carmelo Di Bartolo (IED Research Centre Director), Enrico Sicignano (University of Salerno), Arianna Vignati (Polytechnic University of Milan), Ina Macaione (University of Matera).
The deadline for submissions is on 31 May 2018. The Jury of Experts will evaluate submissions and decide the winner by July 2018. For further information on participation, please visit the website at
About Leroy Merlin
Leroy Merlin is a specialist home improvement and do-it-yourself company. After opening its first Italian store in 1996, it now counts 47 stores across the country with an annual turnover of over 1 billion euro. It employs more than 6,000 individuals, 99% of which are shareholders in the Group. Leroy Merlin believes in choice for the individual and thinks its activities should create added value for citizens, employees and future generations, through its mission to improve their habitat.
Osservatorio sulla Casa, Quinta Edizione: “Casa di domani: focus sulla stanza da bagno ideale”
Al via la quinta edizione per l’Osservatorio sulla Casa, il punto di riferimento annuale in grado di cogliere i segnali che anticipano tendenze, percezioni e aspirazioni degli stili abitativi degli italiani. Come ogni anno Leroy Merlin realizza lo studio che illustra l’evoluzione dei quattro pilastri della Casa di Domani e lancia oggi il concorso universitario giunto alla sua quinta edizione.
Il concorso di idee “Casa di domani: focus sulla stanza da bagno ideale” è aperto anche quest’anno gratuitamente agli studenti di architettura, design e ingegneria di tutta Italia e non solo.
Per questa edizione viene richiesto ai giovani progettisti di domani di predisporre 5 mini progetti bagno. Nello specifico, dovranno essere presentati 4 progetti bagno (uno per tipologia di bagno definito da Leroy Merlin) utilizzando i materiali Leroy Merlin ed 1 progetto bagno ipotizzando di progettare in modo ideale, a prescindere dai prodotti presenti nell’assortimento di Leroy Merlin e sviluppando ex novo prodotti ad hoc (es. mobiletti bagno, box doccia ecc..).
Gli elaborati (5 progetti bagno) devono avere le caratteristiche di concretezza e reale fattibilità, tenendo conto delle 4 tematiche fondamentali emerse della ricerca “Osservatorio sulla Casa” che esprimono i reali desiderata della società moderna sulla casa ovvero: casa comoda da vivere, capace di farti risparmiare, attenta alla salute, rispettosa dell’ambiente. La sfida è quindi quella di interpretare al meglio i desideri degli italiani di oggi realizzando un bagno “accessibile”, adatto alle nuove esigenze e ai cambiamenti della società contemporanea.
La selezione del progetto vincitore avverrà a giudizio insindacabile del Comitato Scientifico, composto da esperti del tema casa e dell’azienda. Il montepremi totale è di Euro 3.500,00 “lordi di ritenute di legge”. Inoltre, ai ragazzi/ragazzo che risulteranno vincitori del Contest verrà proposta la possibilità di:
Dare visibilità al progetto vincitore sui canali di comunicazione di Leroy Merlin Italia quali ad esempio il nuovo catalogo bagno
Fare un tirocinio presso Leroy Merlin Italia, finalizzato a lavorare concretamente sul progetto in oggetto (collaborazione nella realizzazione dei nuovi showroom all’interno dei negozi)
Mettere a disposizione il progetto vincitore agli “Empori fai da noi” ( luoghi di condivisione di materiale dove le persone o le famiglie in difficoltà che necessitano di effettuare lavori di manutenzione di base, piccole ristrutturazioni o lavori di decorazione possono utilizzare gratuitamente il materiale messo a disposizione da Leroy Merlin Italia
Il premio verrà comunicato in occasione di un evento pubblico di presentazione dei progetti e una mostra in cui verranno esposti i progetti partecipanti al concorso.
Leroy Merlin's long-term research survey on future housing “Osservatorio sulla Casa” enters its fifth edition: the focus will be on designing the ideal bathroom
The contest on inventing the house of tomorrow “La Casa di Domani” kicks off to award the best bathroom design
Leroy Merlin has officially kicked off a new edition of “Osservatorio sulla Casa”, its long-term research survey on Italian home design that studies the evolution of the four key principles of Italian homes – comfort, convenience, health and respect for the environment – on the one hand and investigates people's needs by bringing together experts, students and the home owners themselves on the other hand. Every year, after collecting updated information from its survey, the company holds an ideas contest called “La Casa di Domani” which invites students in architecture, engineering and design from Italy's major universities and academies to find ways to regenerate disused urban areas.
Now in its fifth edition, the contest will aim to develop the best bathroom design to improve the quality of life of residents and make bathroom planning more affordable for those with specific needs. To this end, the contest's basic concept is to develop a project that is “affordable” in terms of budget, implementation and sustainability and find ways to make our bathrooms more efficient and comfortable.
In this year's edition, the young designers of tomorrow are invited to prepare 5 mini-bathroom projects. In detail, participants must submit 4 different bathroom styles (one for each style defined by Leroy Merlin) using Leroy Merlin products, plus 1 ideal bathroom, regardless of the products being used, developing it from scratch with ad hoc fittings.
The design ideas (5 mini-bathrooms) must be realistic and feasible, taking into account the 4 key themes that emerged from the “Osservatorio sulla Casa” survey where respondents expressed their wishes on how they would like their ideal home to be, i.e. comfortable to live in, that can help owners save money, takes into account the health and well-being of its inhabitants and is environmentally sustainable. The challenge is to best interpret the wishes of Italians for an “affordable” bathroom that can meet the new and changing needs of modern society.
The best project will be awarded a cash prize of €3,500. The winner(s) will also be given the opportunity to:
• Promote their project via Leroy Merlin Italia's communication channels such as its new bathroom catalogue
• Complete an apprenticeship programme at Leroy Merlin Italia, with the goal to work on actually implementing the project (by participating in the planning and implementation of new in-store showrooms)
• Include the project in the “do-it-ourselves emporium” (“Empori fai da noi”) (, a space where individuals and families who need minor maintenance, repairs or decoration can meet and use the resources made freely available by Leroy Merlin Italia.
The winner will be selected by a Jury of Experts represented by a Scientific Committee made up of Gianni Bientinesi (Leroy Merlin Italia Business Intelligence Director), Fabio Minghetti (Leroy Merlin Italia Architect), Vito Romagnuolo (Leroy Merlin Italia Bathroom and Kitchen Products Director), Stefania Savona (Leroy Merlin Communications Director) Laura Maggi (Freelance Journalist), Rossella Sobrero (Founder and Chair of Koinetica), Carmelo Di Bartolo (IED Research Centre Director), Enrico Sicignano (University of Salerno), Arianna Vignati (Polytechnic University of Milan), Ina Macaione (University of Matera).
The deadline for submissions is on 31 May 2018. The Jury of Experts will evaluate submissions and decide the winner by July 2018. For further information on participation, please visit the website at
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