
Villa Vincenti

80011 Acerra, Metropolitan City of Naples, Italy

Residential - Sleaping Area

Dev Venkatesh R

  • architect
  • Chennai, India
Project description

The following are the consideration in my design client,

1. I have designed such that there is no need to avoid any window
2. The overall look of bedroom is maintained with a feel of spacious and comfort
3. The walk-in closet is well placed for usage and ventilated with widow too
4. A huge dressing table is given for a comfort dressing and other things
5. A TV is planned as a additional thing to add more beauty to the room
6. No need to cross the bed for a long walk to reach the walk-in closet during hectic hours of morning
7. Good space in bedroom for other activities like study, yoga etc.,

Hope you like my ideas client.

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