
"Molinari Apartment"

The apartment was so redesigned to make the existing space adapt to the new needs as per occupants' necessities and requirements.

The new spatial configuration of the apartment successfully satisfied the needs of the client. Only little alterations were made to minimize the cost of construction. Room 3 was made to house the walk-in closet of the Master Bedroom (Room 2) and at the same time be the Guest Room or can alternatively be used as the Storage Room. Moreover, additional partions were made to hide the Kitchen from the adjacent spaces as per client's request. With the current layout, the Kitchen was successfully hidden from sight but made still accessible to the entrance (for easy delivery of goods) and Dining Area (for easy serving of food) using a door. The other end was left opened (unpartitioned) for it to receive enough daylight, thus, sustainably cutting power cost on lighting. Also, generally, furniture pieces were configured to provide easy movement of occupants all over the apartment.

Apartment In Via Molinari


Naples, Metropolitan City of Naples, Italy