Trento, Province of Trento, Italy
Residential - Apartment
The project aims to refresh the appartment while remaining simple. The internal structure and room distribution are modified to a minimum in order to keep the rehabilitation's cost reasonable.
The kitchen/dining room serves as the main common room, and acts as a gathering point. It's inspiration comes from "Cafe Study", where students gather to work and enjoy a good lunch. Since we are dealing with a student appartment, the traditional distribution would be unnecessary, and so, instead of putting a table within the room, we opted for a more unconventionnal and dynamic disposition.
The colors and materials proposed are bright and attractive in order to appeal to a younger public and can be used as they are, but they can perfectly be adapted to the owner's taste for better versatility and cost control.
The lights can all be found within the same shop for more commodity, and offers good service. The prices are reasonable, the energy consumption is reduced and they possess esthetic qualities.