
sleeping area

09170 Oristano, Province of Oristano, Italy

Residential - Living/Sleeping Area

Mostafa El Qastawi

  • architect
  • Alexandria, Egypt
Project description

Dear client
we made 3 proposals hoping that help you more,
Architecture changes
*first we moved the heater under the window to give good space in the room.
*invert the bathroom door opining so we can put glass shower cadent with door.

Proposal 01: we work on the idea of make the comodino (night table) built-in with side hanged light for reading with simple light colors scheme.
Proposal 02: we work on the idea of make the comodino (night table) normal and easier to use with side hanged light for reading with simple light colors scheme.
Proposal 03: we work on the idea of good wallpaper effect with hidden lights on it with gypsum board cladding.

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