00041 Albano Laziale, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Residential - Other
The aim of the design is to produce a green building, with full ventilation, lighting, green fearures and much more while making sure that the wishlist of the client was met and be provided.
The 5 meter setback was also attained turning it into parking road to provide access to the vehicles to ensure the number of parkings will also be attained. The plan was adjusted but no spaces were reduced up to 10% of their respective areas based on the original plan given by the client. Incorporated also were an additional important rooms such as pump rooms at ground, Electrical rooms and IT rooms per floor were also provided. The stairs was designed to to up to the roofdeck.
The exterior of the building was designed as to have atleast the wished apearance based on the given pictures of the client, but making it more like an apartment or home.