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housing - small-apt

Jovana Andjelkovic

  • architect
  • Beograd, Serbia
Project description

House is divided into three areas. The biggest one is loft area in the middle, and service area and sleeping area on the sides. Loft contains swimming pool, large living space and kitchen and is open-able towards garden on the west. Sleeping area is on the north, with three bedrooms, all oriented towards garden to the west. One bathroom is habitable by two children bedrooms, and one by large master bedroom. Service area on the south contains garage, laundry with storage and bathroom.
Loft has seen-able roof structure witch is made of wooden trusses.
In the second proposal it is offered another solution for sleeping area.
It is suggested that heating/cooling system is provided by heating pump placed in the laundry.
This design provides optimal mutual junction of installation, as well as openness to the garden.

It was a pleasure being given a chance to take part in designing your place.

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