73045 Leverano LE, Italy
business - bnb
We’re Sabrina and Nunzio and we have just purchased a typical house from the 30s in Leverano, a small town in the province of Lecce, in Apulia, in the south of Italy, that we want to turn into a B&B. The property is made of two separate residential units that must be unified in the final project.
The historical importance of this property in the Salentin region has been certified in a document that you can find attached.
All the rooms of the property have the typical groin arch from the Salentin area. (check the architecture of the Apulia). The ceiling is high between 4.50 and 5.10 m (except from Room N.8, and Bath N.1, and Bath N.2, that have been built recently with normal garrets. These must be demolished, as they’re dangerous.)
The construction, as you can see in the photos, at the moment is made of a central atrium, with a typical barrel vault, two lateral units that together form a clamp. There’s an old, hand-dug well in the courtyard, there’s a small garden at the other side of the wall. There’s no water system, sewage pipe system, electric system or heating/cooling systems that impones us to make some important decisions, considering also the economic impact.
Another aspect that needs particular attention is the humidity; We need decide whether to keep the orginal pavement that is made of concrete, in the Art nouveau style (the pavement is directlly in contact with earth). It goes without saying that we’re looking for some innovative solutions that would help us save on the costs of the project.
We want to create independent entrances from the courtyard to each room for hosting guests. We want to create a minimum of 4 and maximum 6 rooms, each with a bathroom inside.
The central atrium can function as a hall-reception/common area. The ROOM N.8 (to rebuild) can be the breakfast area with big stained glass and can be used also as a terrace/sunbathing area, with an independent staircase from outside.
Room N.6 can be used in different ways; either a kitchen for all rooms or another guest room.
What’s more, we have imagine to build another 2 room apartment, with a kitchen that corresponds the room N. 7, 9 e 9.1. For the ROOM N.2, 3, 4 and 5 we want to build the sleeping area on a loft. A small loft can be made also in roome N.1. As for the front, we would like to create private outdoor areas with small gates in the two narrowings at the sides of the main gate.
In our opinion, the outdoor areas (such as the courtyard and the garden) should be the main attraction. We would also like to insert a small pool, that can be in harmony with the rest of the structure.
The accommodation facilities that we want to create should become a small luxurious structure that would principally host foreign guests who are very sensitive in choosing their accommodation, that is both traditional and characteristic, and at the same time offers all the modern ways of comfort.
That’s why we want to insert Leccese stones in the furnishing and use neutral colors. If possible, one of the rooms should have the facilities suitable for the disabled guests. (only the cost and the operations to perform won’t increase).
We have antique jars; two of which are 1.50 tall, and another dozen of glass jars each 0.75 tall.
We would appreciate also the proposals that don’t match our guidelines, or that improve them.
Our budget is maximum €150’000.00 and our motto is MORE WITH LESS!
We can’t wait to answer all of your questions! Good Luck!
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