Jeffersonville, IN, USA
Commercial - Office
See current design at this link:
This is an office space designed for the support of a manufacturing plant building custom machinery. We wish it to convey in the space our industrial roots but give a sense of innovation a bright, clean, and modern design. Within a budget of USD400,000, any changes, no matter how substantial, will be considered. The current space is very segmented and it will likely take some significant wall removal to make it workable. The current state needs to accommodate 26 employees with the possibility in the future of 40 person head count. Those employees are broken into the following functions:
Marketing 2
Sales 9
Engineering 8
Accounting 4
Purchasing 2
Production 1
There are two grouping options by floor:
1st floor: Marketing & Sales, 2st floor Production, Engineering Accounting & Purchasing
1st floor: Accounting, 2nd Floor Production, Marketing, Sales & Engineering
It is our desire to create a space that allows for natural connectedness, but also the privacy that when meetings and phone conversations need to occur that they do not disrupt the work of others in the space. A small private office for each department manager will be needed as well as an office for the CEO. Some special needs for each department:
Sales: Special need for convenient privacy for many phone calls
Engineering: Larger work areas to handle drawings, etc
Accounting: Work area should accommodate significant paper usage
We will leave the details of how much and how large each of the private collaboration spaces needs to be to the designers discretion, however we would like to receive the logic behind the balance of private collaboration versus open office space.
Other design consideration we need:
Secure and ventilated IT area for three servers and associated equipment
One large conference room that accommodates 14 individuals comfortably
Entry area that isolates visitors from office entry, with fob entry for employees
Around 100 sqft of secure storage space for accounting records, equipment etc
Around 50 sqft of non-secure storage space for cleaning and office supplies
(2) 100 sqft Lab areas with lab counters
Retain downstairs breakroom size, open for alternative designs
Create modest coffee bar for upstairs areas
Each private collaboration area with more than four people should have room to wheel a Samsung Flip into the office area.
It is important to maximize the natural light, expanding window size, careful use of glass for walls, possible skylights on top floor etc. This also applies for windows to the plant space as well.
Desk should each have some modest storage, one shallow drawer, one deep drawer. They should also be able to accommodate two large monitors.
Downstairs bathrooms should be unisex and have a shower added to them
Solid floors that would not show dark dust that may get tracked in from plant area
As high of ceilings as area can accommodate
Separate men and women’s restrooms upstairs, open to those moving to somewhere close by if it makes sense to the design
100 book library shelving unit
Design considerations we want considered, but not crucial:
A workout gym
Use of plant life/pseudo plant life for sound isolation/decoration
Comfortable collaboration area ie couch area or equivalent
Small water feature/accent
Natural materials if equivalent available
Update: 2nd floor ceiling 16', 1st Floor ceiling 10' to bottom of rafters, 12' to ceiling
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