
Little Smart Appartment

Milan, Lombardy, Italy

housing - medium-apt

Yasmine Benetti

  • interior-designer
  • Arzignano, Italy
Project description

This little
apartment is overworked as best one can trying to satisfy your needs .
On entrance is found a short corridor for receive the guests and for separate
the functional areas of flat. On the wall under the electric meter and the
entry phone, there is a shoe rack and a plasterboard
shelf due to
pantry with container on sight.
The corridor leads to the area before the toilet used as a wardrobe and a small laundry .
Although the space is reduced are placed a large closet and a dresser for the
washing machine and the laundry.
The bathroom has the same size as the existing but it is more spacious and livable thanks to small but smart changes:
added the bidet, a sink with a modernized hung cabinet, added a mirror-height,
substitute the shower walls with tempered glass panels
and thought to flooring and wall coverings with white tiles.
In the main room they found a place all your requests. The kitchen (Ikea) is closed in a niche and can be hide by two motorized roller
blinds . The kitchen has standard dimensions and offers all
the comfort , from dishwasher to a fridge with freezer. The area of dining has been left "free" to be
moved and resized according to
the requirements. The two extendable tables can be joined for dinner with
friends or kept separate if necessary for further supporting surface and an
intimate/alone dinner.
The TV hanging just above the fireplace can be seen from the comfortable
sofa positioned
at the opposite side. The sofa is inserted into the wall system that hides the
bed. For the night, the sofa just disappears to make room for the bed. For
friends instead have been thought of colorful and funny pouf that contain air mattresses with pump
power each.
The leitmotif of the apartment is the color of the wood , taken from the rafters and used to modernize the fireplace, mark the outlines of
the shelves and the plasterboard niche / kitchen,
to characterize the furniture of the bathroom and to cover the whole floor.

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