25040 Monticelli Brusati, Province of Brescia, Italy
Residential - House
Dear Client,
Please find house concept design proposal and short design explanation.
Access has been made elevating terrain to 1.4m above street level. In this purpose I propose using of Geofoam that will be covered by dirt
excavated from basement level.This way the cost of excavated earth transportation will be eliminated. For the west retain wall I propose use of Gabions instead of making solid concrete wall. Gabions are more and more popular worldwide due to their low cost and easy installation where at the same time they keep natural look of the wall due to their natural material infillment.
To your list of required rooms I added a small washing hand room(better toilet). I beleive it's required for visitors to wash hand prior to meal
and avoid interfering with your private bathroom.
I managed to put all required rooms in something more than 270sqm Net Area.Gross Area (Net Area + walls) will be 10-15% more after decision about wall layers such as insulation,exterior finishing,etc...
Room/Study room has been oriented toward north where the daylight is constant and considered the best light for work.Bedrooms are at east distanced from the streets and noise,living area is toward south which is considered the best orientation for these type of rooms.
One of the options for living room is to install NANA folding wall which gives you possibility to fold it completely in summer and thus extend living space in the backyard.
I hope you will like and enjoy design,Best Regards.