00046 Grottaferrata, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Outdoors - Pool Area
soppalcare la piscina esterna in modo da averla a livello con il terreno e sistemare il giardino intorno. vorrei trovare il giusto compromesso tra costo e design per rinnovare l'intorno della piscina. dove si trova attualmente la buca vorrei ricoprila con del legno (tek, ipe' o WPC) che sia rimovibile e quindi espezionare le tubazioni della piscina.
Amo uno stile moderno con presenza di legno
The goal will be to build a decking around the pool as well as fix up the yard/garden all around the pool. I would like to get the right compromise between the cost of materials and design for both the decking and the yard/garden. I would also like to have the decking removable to allow to explore the piping of the pool (reason why I thought to have a decking around the pool). The decking can be either wood (ipe' or teak) or WPC. Overall I like the modern style with the presence of the wood and the main expectation is to have a WoW effect considering the environment around. additionally I would like that the decking is in line with the ground in order to have a "inground pool"
Nivelar la piscina exterior de modo que quede nivelada con el suelo y disponga el jardín a su alrededor. Me gustaría encontrar el compromiso adecuado entre costo y diseño para renovar el entorno de la piscina. Donde se encuentra actualmente el agujero, me gustaría cubrirlo con madera (teca, ipe 'o WPC) que sea extraíble y luego inspeccionar las tuberías de la piscina.
Amo un estilo moderno con presencia de madera.
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