
First I would like to express my enthusiasm for being able to work on this project.

The conceptual solution is based on the division of an existing apartment into two apartments of 34.6m2 and 45m2 with a common entrance area.
The yellow apartment is planned for renting, and in this apartment are planned all rooms needed for one student. Becouse of deficit of existing windows for the dividing rooms, bedroom in the apartment is planned as a half-open room, next to the living room, with a mobile barrier (mobile wall).
A blue apartment is planned for one or two students sharing a bedroom, or for a one couple.
The blue apartment is also planned with all the rooms that follow the trend of housing in a modern time.

In the presented conceptual design, it was taken into consideration that two apartments were designed, on that way that the new bathroom and new kitchen are located in the central part of the existing apartment. This avoids raising the height of the floor in other rooms. Posible floor raising can occur in a new bathroom and small pasage in yelow apartment. In any case, due to the position of the main vertical installations, flooring must be raised at some place.

Best regards!

Fractioning In Milano Città Studi


Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy