Foggia, Province of Foggia, Italy
Residential - Apartment
Dear Customer. Two proposals were presented, in both, the functional needs, the use of balconies, the wet core and the practicality and economy of the construction were respected. The difference it's in the proportions as you will see below.
Proposal A: This proposal has an apartment of 42 m2 and one of 61 m2. The smallest apartment has an integrated kitchen, dining room and bedroom since due to the humid core, the elaborate silhouette of the place and the positioning of openings and balconies, conditions an immovable space to achieve the correct use, ventilation and lighting. However, the room is separated by a storage furniture permeable that gives privacy but allows air and light to pass through.
Proposal B: This proposal is more faithful to its conditions, both apartments have similar dimensions and the requested spaces, the problem is that in department "A" The living room, dining room and kitchen do not ventilate, which is against the building code . On the other hand, this solution also has more storage space and a particular piece of furniture for set of washing clothes.
Additional features:
-The entrance porch is recommended to be open to the corridor of the building
-In the proposal A, the washing machines were considered under the kitchen countertops
-In proposal B, skylights can be added in spaces without openings
-There is the possibility that the room in proposal B is not closed and is ventilated by this means, but you must find out if the distance of the openings in relation to their size and the distance to the kitchen is sufficient.
Thanks for the opotunity, regards.