
Florida Multi-purpose living area

Jupiter, FL, USA

Residential - Living/Sleeping Area

Soňa Bobeková

  • architect
  • Trnava, Slovakia
Project description

Comfortable Florida life
The concept of the whole layout is based on the theme of Florida beach life. It includes the elements of ethnic culture, which contrast with the classical style of furniture. The basis of the color composition is white, complemented by the shades of blue and turquoise colors. Large portions of the furniture are in basic colors, chroma of the layout is provided by the furnishings, as for example, carpets or pillows, which can be easily replaced in case of need. When you walk into the room, you will be astounded by the high ceiling, which is highlighted by wooden beam paneling. The decor of the wood is designed in several variants and you can choose whichever suits you best. The doors also serve as a decorative unit, they separate the study room from the living room area.  They also provide peace and privacy for the work in the office. The floor is designed in neutral medium brown wood color. Privacy in the room is also secured by the blue-white striped curtains. The design puts great emphasis on the comfort of the users. In it are devised several places for sitting, lying, relaxation and also a large television. Seats are situated in a way that you can enjoy the view outside or comfortably watch the television. Individual items, for instance light fixtures, resemble motives of nature for example dandelions or sea waves. In the dining area is devised large cupboard, where you can place souvenirs from travels and vacations. It can also serve as a storage for a dining set, which will come handy when dining.  The table is designed for 6-8 people. It is practically situated to be close to the kitchen area of the house. Since the designed room is crossroad and hearth of the house, all furniture in it is situated in a way to not take much space for easy passing through the room. And when you enter the room, you will be welcomed by a nice view of the whole fine-tuned composition.

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