
Mountain Home - Alpine vacation retreat 2 steps from the city

10052 Bardonecchia, Metropolitan City of Turin, Italy

Residential - Apartment

ibrahim kara

  • architect
  • Heidelberg, Germany
Project description


I hope you will find the design of my proposal, as you wish.

The main idea was to provide such a design, in order to make you avoid excessive expenditure. Hence, there are a few demolition and reconstructions of a few walls.

Then, I have strived for a strong contact between kitchen and living room, as you have mentioned. By doing that, I removed the vertical wall that separates the living room from the hall. Instead of that, I recommend a separation of furniture, which is a cabinet.

Another point that you have emphasized was the strong accessibility between the working room and the living room. As a proposal, I have added a sliding door which will provide only a direct connection, also a flexible space to define according to the use and preferences.

A similar approach is visible for bedrooms too. Once more, the sliding door was utilized in order to achieve a fluent space.

One of the biggest changes in the apartment occurs in the bedroom with wc. The position of the wc is rotated in order to create more abstract room for the users.

Lastly, if you like the design overall, yet some parts to change, you can write me back for revise.

I sincerely thank you for taking your time to assess my suggestions and read these messages,

I hope you will achieve the ideal project from the participants,

Sincere greetings from Straßbourg,

Ibrahim Kara

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