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A gallery house

Tirana, Albania

Residential - House

  • architect
  • ,
Project description

This project aims to rationalise and characterise the rooms whitin the first floor of a villa built in Tirana. It was asked to renovate the furniture and redistribute the large spaces, in order to emphatise the works of arts owned by the customers. The renovation consists in prioritising the rooms through the insertion of elements and materials, which are cabable to create a rhythm which connects the parts of the house.
The hall, in which are planned wooden pillars that modulate the corridor's lenght in squares, distribute the studio, the living room, the access to the staircase and the kitchen. An ebony wood paneling characterises the walls of the studio. Two sofas and two armchairs designate the area, within the living room, destinated to guest reception. Here, the said wooden elements, characterise the wall and create the space in which an entertainment cabinet is located. The living room provides access to the dinning area that is studded through 4 cupboards. A fireplace qualify a second more private and warm sitting area.

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