57014 Collesalvetti, Province of Livorno, Italy
Residential - House
Architecturally specking we proposed a small change in the slope of the roof making an accent in terms of height, volumes and texture. The main side of the house was thought to be a landmark with wooden finish. Also the side of the house including the fascia was thought to be also wooden marking basically the two entrances in the facade. The rest of the exterior has been thought of as white giving it a more mediteranean aspect. The space dispostion is efficient with the possibility of combining the two apartments into one. As for the interior design a combination of wood and brick with a small touch of industrial essence would keep the construction's main personality to the point. The garden can be made of mainly pots with some planted palm like trees and small pebble stone pavements marking a seating spot or the main tree which in our case is a palm tree.