
housing - small-apt

  • engineer
  • ,
Project description

The project is mainly focused on two points:
- searching a perfect match with the surrounding and achieving new aestetic possibilities through such an originally shaped building;
- realising an interior space full of unusual opportunities and out of the ordinary as well.

Outside, I added a small covered platform to define the entrance.
The top of the building is formed by a steel cap on which flexible solar panels can be installed. I thought about this solution because of the spherical shape that provides in a simple way the possibility to achieve the solar tracking through the horizontal metal rails fixed to the structure of the igloo; moreover inside the cap I foresaw a windowglass on the top .
The windows, as stated in the contest, can be placed freely ; in my case they follow firstly the path of the internal staircase, then the space of bedrooms and bathrooms, and finally a big opening in the dining area; the latter in order to characterize the elevations has a different closure: can slide vertically to leave a larger transparent surface outwards and privileged views.
The base is made of wooden slats to be mounted on a substructure; this element may have
multiple meanings: adapting to non-planar surfaces of the ground down, shielding of some windows of service rooms upwards, creating variations on elevations.
I figured the best scenario for a building like this in a natural setting, but I still think that it would fit perfectly in many places, so I made some alterative settings.

The interior is also designed to enhance the extraordinary feeling of living in a dome: the living room is a unique full-height space where you can see the structure up to the top with skylight; the dining area is separated only by a difference in height minimum and by a different flooring; an open staircase with circular pattern leads to the second level loft, which can be used as recreational space with a bathroom and a TV corner, and two addictional sofa beds .
On the first floor I designed a bathroom and two bedrooms both with walk-in closet.

The main finiture is that of the wooden structure, exposed wood by a transparent treatment; The floors are all parquet rovere, except for those in the dining area to be realised in resin giving a concrete effect. The interior walls are white Ral 9010, except for the plasterboard structure at the entrance (library and wardrobe) to be realised using glossy red enamel RAL 3013.
The furniture chosen and indicated in the relevant data well match with the designed spaces.

I hope you will like my project and please consider that my attention was mainly focused on the setting, on the interior spaces and materials; in fact , furniture can be kept or changed to suit your personal tastes.

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