housing - small-apt
The project proposal for USE THE SPACE aims to execute client requirements creating a flexible, dynamic, modern and functional space.
The two design ideas differ in the placement of the kitchen and the bathroom: in OPTION ONE we have the possibility of reversing the position of the two rooms. The two hypotheses have in common the realization of a "block" – SERVICE AREA (rectangular in OPTION ONE and “L-shaped” in OPTION TWO) - in the blind side of the house (North-North west). This block includes the walk-in closet and relaxing area. The relaxing area is located in the central part of the “block” separated from the living area through sliding doors that can be, at the option of the client, closed or open according to its needs. This solution creates a dynamic space, perfectly adaptable to multiple functions: when doors are closed they can be used as projector screen; when doors are open they make the space of LIVING AREA bigger and larger.
In OPTION ONE we can use the modules of the existing kitchen to obtain a new and larger dining room. So as to have a right slope for drainge pipe it's enough to raise the floor of the new bathroom with floating pavement.
In both solutions:
- the living room is equipped to sit, listen to music, play piano and watch tv;
- the SLEEPING AREA includes the demolition of the wall separating the bathroom, which was replaced with concrete-framed and glass so as to give more brightness to the interior. In addition, this area is enhanced by a large walk-in closet;
- bathroom's entrance have been moved in a hide position to avoid the direct sight from the living and dining rooms;
forniture have been designed to meet the demands of the client, in a modern and young style, they are in relation with the colors of the living area;
- cost's estimation is under the client' budget.