
housing - small-apt

Jose Perfetto

  • architect
  • Lombardore, Italy
Project description

The idea was to create a space which is visually divided into two areas .The first one is called the working area _ with a small working station for a laptop or a touch screen computer, that can be moved and the size of the mentioned can be changed. The second one is the "relaxing“area _ where ideas would be exchanged and discussions would be held over a cup of coffee.

To give the room a more pleasant, comfortable and inviting look the color turquoise has been introduced in small details, such as the coffee table or cushion covers. The wall mural has also a turquoise base combined with yellow, green and a lighter blue .Putting such an intensive color into the room, gives a certain „pop" and is visually effective. Of course, you are welcome to change it or better said instead of turquoise you can have the color yellow, green, red or any color you like and prefer. I have chosen this one for you, because it reminds me of the beach, sky and see.

The room has plenty of storage space given in the form of bookcases, with a color combination of white, black and white again, just too visually break this long wall line.

Instead of having a full carped cover, I introduced two larger carpets in the color beige _ again as an association to the beach. Thanks to this two, the rooms are as mentioned above just visually divided into two areas.

The sideboard has enough space to provide storage for dishes .You can put the small fridge inside of it and the coffee machine on top.

All the furniture is from IKEA and is available in all the IKEA stores and on-line stores in Australia. You can check them out on this page

All the plans are done in scale, so you can just print them and you are ready to go

Hope you like the concept proposal :)

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