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housing - small-apt

ekaterine ekaterine

  • architect
  • Tbilisi, Georgia
Project description

Hallo dear client, I tried to keep your ideas and I added some of mine ideas.The entry of museum is partly green cube of artificial green grass which looks incredibly realistic.The bedrooms two concrete elements are covered by this grass.Your cash machine is there on more intresting table and you can put and sale your some stuff on cabinet, this cabinet is used also in museum one to put them along-side. The windows and doors frames are coloured by anthracite. The leafes of doors and casings of windows are white only new doors and skylights are the same material as they are. I keep your kitchen witout spliting and you can cook for guest there and show them your toasters. The table in the museum one is for eating, reading, watching TV and I think it will be one of intresting furniture to show for museums guests. Most of your stuff are in museum one. The axisting chimney in museum one is keeping and you can put your old kitchens stove there or put a new fireplace. Unfortunately I do not know your stoves measures and pics and I have drawn for example foreseen the dimensions of old chimney. I partially demolished ceiling of museum one because of its structure it have not be demolish fully. Your posters area is on high level of childrens areas, In this corner the walls are cleaned and you can see bricks and also the wallpaper is merges in bricks it simualte the wallpaper is tattered. The children can enjoy in "Living Tower" and do not cross the screen named "endless".
Living area: I appreciate your wish and your fireplace can heat water and becouse of this your fireplace have to be in exactly in that place in same high level and the this rules concerns the water tank too.I have drawn 1000 ml water tank for example but it is up to your needes. The water tank have not be in the cellar under the kitchen it tank can be in attic but it should not, to avoid long pipes and energy losing. See information in internet. In best solution it should be in the loundry and under water tank I put washing-machine which is dryer too.
The room which have up stairs to attic I have drawn as a cabinet and your white and red cabines are there. The forward area of living room which is now outdoor I have drawn a green winter house and in winter you can enjoy and rest there.The forward area of living room which is now outdoor I have drawn a green winter house and in winter you can enjoy and rest there.
I have drawn your first contest of bathroom but I could not finished it on time in that time. There is your two cabins and one small wall cabin.
Attic: The slat near small concrete I demolished. This area is good for book shelves and reading. Your bed I think is in better place than could be over the small concrete element.you can move on left and right side freely. here you have three closet for clothes, one small kitchen cabinet and WC. The wooden crossbars are the same level as they are now. They are on 190 cm level you are 182 cm and you can move there but if you want to move them in higher it is engineering work.You should to ask to an engineer.The chimney of fireplace which is in living room is 730 meter it seems too high but it have not to be more smaller chimney,It is not recomended becouse of skylight over the reading area, when it will be wind and if skylight is open fire-ball can move through the skylight in room.I have worked only in yellow marked area, the rest area over the living room, the information is unknown the hight and wooden slats structure.

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