
Studio Apartment In Guatemala

Guatemala City, Guatemala

Residential - Apartment

Evaldas Ciuzelis

  • architect
  • Klaipeda, Lithuania
Project description

Studio apartment in Guatemala 32 square meters. The layout was made to have as much open space feeling as possible with a possibility of separate bedroom. Big wardrobe separates the bedroom from entrance and kitchen so when the guest come they first see a lovely simple kitchen combined with the living room. Bedroom side to the living room can be divided by the curtain to have a feeling of separate area. All decisions are simple and most important aspect of project was to make the space comfortable for the user. The purpose was to have every square meter usable.
Design I chose is "Scandinavian". It is a minimalist style with a lot of bright pastel colors and simple design furniture's. Most of the living space walls is white to have as much sun light as possible because of lack of windows. The entrance and bedroom walls are light grey with a white 10 cm frame around to highlight the walls. Kitchen cabinet facades might have several configurations but I would use slightly glossy white surface and slightly darker grey facades for the top cabinets and the fridge. Fridge is designed to be installed in the furniture but it would be perfectly good to choose it pearl white or stainless steel.
Bedroom cant't be fully closed with the curtain but if you want you can easily make it fully closed, just make wardrobe a bit longer together with the curtain. I didn't chose the furnitures because I didn't found most suitable for my taste, there is not a lot of them so until you stay with the pastel colors (blue, green, brown pastels) for the sofas you'll be perfect. For other furniture stay white, light grey, darker grey.
So I hope you like my simple and effective design. I designed it like I would for my self

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