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housing - small-apt

Serena Di Nocera

  • architect
  • Napoli, Italy
Project description

The space has been conceived starting from a central core, a sort of auditorium, closed from the rest of the space by a system of sliding curtains, so that It's really easy to change the configuration of the interiors. The main purpose was to preserve all the existing furniture and integrate it in a flexible space, characterized by a new color, a "dynamic blue". All the pillars will be painted of blue, the walls will remain white ( the space is very dark and it needs white as color). The flooring will be composed of three materials:
1- a grey moquette in the event space.
2 - concrete slabs in the "transit spaces", like the entrance, the hallway around the central space.
3- a wooden floor in the relax area and the two meeting rooms.
The only structural partitions will be the glass walls around the meeting room and the concrete walls at the two sides of the event space. This semielliptic space will be sound insulated by specific curtains, and should be divided in two classroom thanks to a system of sliding glass panels. Around the "auditorium" there are all the social spaces ( kitchen, relax, sofa, tables....). In the project I give two options about how using the area in front of one entrance:
1- a workstation area,with tables and seats, that could be (if necessary) an open classroom when the event space is busy.
2- a sofa area, with armchairs and sofa, that could be used if the main need is to have a space for big events.

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