
Roma Car Trade

Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, Italy

Commercial - Retail

Zdravko Barisic

  • architect
  • Kragujevac, Serbia
Project description

Hello my dear client,

Here is, as you see, "a little" flipped upside/ down your car retail shop.
The reasons for this kind of design, are numerous, so let's start.

1. workshops and warehouses in the basement.
1.1 First of all I do not think it is possible by italian laws at all. Most EU countries
forbid placing workshops in the underground, as they handle with toxic substances
and you need extra good ventilation, and if, from some reason, it stops, workers are
in deep deep trouble.
1.2 Manipulating with cars is very hard, workshops need frequent drive in and out.
1.3 Assuming that your building is about 15x60, please take count that current
modern suvs have wheel rotation radius of about 6.5m, which is almost half of 15m.
Therefore, space waste for car parking will be huge.
1.4 Market potential, at last but not least, customers simple do not like to repair the
cars in the underground, so far I did not find any single workshop in basement all
over the internet. If there is one, I would like to see.

2. Cutting the trees and bushes.
For me, personal, most important. We live in the time when some many forest are
burned, like in south Europe and world wide, and if there is 1% of chance to save
the trees, why we should not do it? Further more, customers could appreciate that
if you did not cut any tree while construction, than, "green architecture" would not
be just a words, but real life.

3. How to save the trees and avoid basement at the same time?
Simple, lets lift up retail shop 5-6m up, and place the workshops and warehouse
in the ground floor, simple as that!
What we achieve in this way?
A. avoiding constructing basement with very expensive ventilation.
B. workshops and warehouse have much more better car manipulation
C. do not waste space for internal car wheel rotations
D. do not build car ramp
E. the most important, we increase VISIBILITY of our car retail shop
for the almost 1km left and right, while keeping the trees, at the same time
simple, shop will overlook the trees, as they will be below.
F. regarding the visibility, please take in mind that other neighbours also
decrease our visibility, so in this way we overcome that issue.
G. car drivers will look at your shop from very far distance, which is obviously most important
H. We got one extra open roof level, for relaxing, office parties, etc...isn't it awesome?

4. I find out that this way of designing this car retail shop is superior to any other design
as we save money for expensive basement, save space, make open air workshops
and most important increase visibility huge, while save the trees at same time.
Architects should respect client wishes, but if that wish could be realized in much
better way, than in initial briefing, we have obligation to make it in that way.

5. How to lift car at first floor?! Do not worry, it will be done by exterior movable system. It is common task, just open the windows at dedicated place, and lift up car.
Piece of cake!

Best Regarads!

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