28100 Novara, Province of Novara, Italy
Residential - House
We believe this project is eloquent enough to be explained by itself; Perhaps the things we would like to comment, is about what is not seen.
We think the existing basement is worth taking advantage of; in this regard and not knowing abourt its real location, we propose an access to it from the service corridor, at east entrance coming from the parking. In this space we would locate the equipment room, the batterys and converter room, the warehouse, and the laundry room, at least. Of course it is a hypothesis that can and should be adjusted depending on the final decisions in this regard, we do not believe that its adaptation to the design represents any difficulty or vice versa.
We want to highlight the fireplaces; the first, serving the entire social area of the house, as an element that marks spaces but manages to integrate them allowing high visibility and transparency; likewise, the large windows, which can naturally enlarge, being open from side to side integrate the exterior of the house and considerably increase the effective size of both, the living and dining areas, which is great for not only social but daily and private events.
The second fireplace, integrated with the complete wall furniture unit that allows to decorate and complement the needs of the master bedroom (such as the television, for example). Also has its large walking closset, terrace, and a multipurpose bathroom that allows simultaneous and independent activity of all services and that integrates the space functionally into the room, providing all, plenty comfort, while ensuring privacy expected.
The use of warm materials (like wood in flooring) improves the mood and is extremely pleasant in winter time, the use of base colors and his mix with nature, offers a spatial and aesthetic quality in exteriors and interiors that represents a true and favorable change. Important is the way in which the staircase, enclosed but very transparent, allows control and total visibility towards and from the inside, giving a modern look, as well integrated with the exterior.
Although we favor the use of clay tablets on the roof, we believe that the arrangement of solar panels may be more appropriate in other types of roofs and finishes, it is a decision that can only be made once the required exposure area is clear, but certainly the clay is not the best alternative in this scenario.
We are very happy with the final result and we firmly believe that it is a scheme with great potential for development; of course, there are many questiones and issues to be resolved a the final design process, and that at such an early stage and with so little time and information available it is not possible to solve.
Thank you for the opportunity, hope yo like it.