
housing - small-apt

  • architect
  • ,
Project description

This typical Italian post-war flat was designed to host a small family. The house is vertically split by a corridor, dividing the bedrooms from the living room and the kitchen.

The main problem is represented by the waste of space caused by circulation space: 18m2 over a total area of approximatively 90m2.
This means that 20% of the total area of the house is wasted in circulation!

Our main goal is to reduce significantly this waste operating a 15% optimisation of space.

This is made possible by placing a bathroom on the left of the entrance.
Italian law allows a bathroom without windows only in presence of another one naturally ventilated, this is the case, and we will occupy this space with the only “blind” room allowed.

In this way circulation space will be reduced at a total amount of 5m2.

Demolitions will include several partitions which are not load bearing and can be easily dismantled.

The result is a flexible layout obtained with a hierarchical subdivision of the house:

1) bedrooms on the bottom

2) distribution and services in the intermediate “strip”

3) living room, kitchen and a potential third bedroom or studio are lit by three windows and face the windows open on the terrace.

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