
Residential - Apartment

Jose Perfetto

  • architect
  • Lombardore, Italy
Project description

The Big Dipper Like You’ve Never Seen It Before

Constellation is an abstract, luxurious and contemporary interpretation of several star patterns .
As you spend more time watching the sky, you will learn that the stars in one constellation can help lead you to other sky landmarks. The Big Dipper is no exception as you can use two of the stars in its "cup" to find the North Star and you can use the arc of its handle to find the giant red star Arcturus.As the Big Dipper rotates around our north sky "pole", in what is caled a "circumpolar" orbit, two of the stars in its bowl can always point the way to Polaris, the North Star. Although Polaris is not often at exactly North on a compass, it's fairly close and can help you get your directions when you are outside at night.

For Me, staring up at the sky on a clear night and looking at the sheer beauty and vastness of stars is very humbling, I wanted to capture the essence of this feeling and recreate it indoors in an abstract, luxurious and contemporary manner.

Thank You!

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