Dallas, TX, USA
Residential - Sleaping Area
Living room project is presented as extension to home office project. In this project four main zones have been defined: Foyer, Comfort zone next to the fire place, Tv zone and reading zone or waiting room if there is meeting in the office.
In livin room we have presented foursided sofa that is palces in middle of the room, which will give posisibility of usage of all content. Fire place, Tv and relaxing areas. One the other end there is threeseat sofa and armchairs that belong to third part of the living room. Dominant colors are black, gold, pink and white.
Carpet isn't shown on the images because it would take spotlight from pink sofa that needs to be dominant in this interior. In case you want it we suggest neutral colors like: cream, beige, champagne color, etc.
Foyer would be perfect for gold mirrors infront black baground reflecting enterance. Large chandelier would be ideal for this part the room.
Inrtoduction of new marble on tv position is our idea of upgrading this luxury space.
We hope that you will fall in love with our solution.