
Quasi-Hotels - Short Term Rentals

Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy

Commercial - Other

Jonatan Jiménez

  • architect
  • Querétaro, Mexico
Project description

The project begins with the exterior, which was sought to be completely reinvented to make this a more striking hotel that invites people to stay in it. The new façade is planted to be aesthetic and elegant, using the contrast between a black background and elements of white wood that cover the building, thus creating a repetitive lattice that will give a great view both to the exterior and the interior by creating a play of light with natural light. It is also proposed to use ruffles with a wooden deck as a ceiling light to give it a more natural and not too industrial, it should be noted that the lattice is also proposed as a privacy element, especially for the ground floor, letting in light from the front but repelling views from the sides, it is also proposed to use reflective glass in the first part of the windows on the ground floor as well as curtains inside to give more privacy. The Quasi Hotels signs that are proposed are 4, one at the reception, two on the sides and one on the pergola, although they are only proposed in order to grant greater visibility to the logo. If necessary, you could choose the one you prefer best and only leave that one The façade was proposed in this way since it was thought that it would go very well with the image of the brand.

For the interior project, it is based on 6 interior design styles, so that each visit to Quasi Hotels is a completely different and non-repetitive experience, which is what happens in many hotels where all the rooms are the same. In addition to the fact that in this way it is very easy to replicate the style of this hotel to others, it is enough to follow the same style base and make the combinations that are best preferred, they could also leave all the styles as proposed or use the ones that best , the styles are 6 having 3 based on white walls and contrasting decoration in black and 3 based on black walls and contrasting decoration in white and using the other colors yellow, green and blue for furniture and decoration having one as a base and the others as a complement in this way we have.
Style 1 (White and Black - Yellow): White 40% black 20% yellow 20% green 10% blue 10%
Style 2 (Black and White – Yellow): Black 40% white 20% yellow 20% green 10% blue 10%
Style 3 (White and Black - Green): White 40% black 20% green 20% yellow 10% blue 10%
Style 4 (Black and White – Green): Black 40% white 20% green 20% yellow 10% blue 10%
Style 5 (White and Black - Blue): White 40% black 20% blue 20% green 10% yellow 10%
Style 6 (Black and White – Blue): Black 40% white 20% blue 20% green 10% yellow 10%

In the project, the division in "STYLE DIVISION 1" is proposed as serious, the others are alternatives of different division in case of only choosing some of the proposed styles. It should be noted that in terms of furniture, you could also select only one type and play only with the colors, which could also work.

Regarding the internal structure of the building, the structure was completely respected, making only some internal changes in some departments as seen in the project in order to improve their functionality, in departments G01, G02 and G03 the bathroom was broken in order to have an open kitchen and have a greater amount of natural lighting, in department G04 and G05 one of the walls was opened in order to have a much more spacious room and an internal goal was placed instead of the wall which would support the loads even though a beam would also solve it, in apartments 103 and 104 the position of the kitchen was changed since when accessing there was a very small space of only about 80 cm which would get in the way, in addition to other small changes that can be observed in the plants , but in general the distribution was respected since it did not have many problems of loss of space.

As requested, the space for the gym and the public laundry room was added since it helped to use the space for the departments and not for a team that took up space.

For the soffits, it is proposed that these be very wide so that in this way they allow the ventilation ducts to be hidden inside and thus look aesthetically good and be functional, in addition to this allowing spaces with greater height and a greater feeling of spaciousness. .

Regarding the lighting project, it is proposed that it have indirect lighting well distributed, especially with LED luminaires and direct lighting with light spots so that one or the other can be turned on in order to give two different feelings in terms of lighting.

For the renderings, it was decided to make the 6 styles, selecting the best apartment, especially those on the ground floor, since they are the most attractive, in addition to making renders of all the apartments with the same style, which made them tedious and repetitive, so it was he preferred to do only one per style

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