Residential - Apartment
One of the main problems was to separate apartments without endanger and change important contructive elements such as pillars and two (probably according to drawings) ventilation shafts marked on floorplans. Also, the wall of the storage shouldnt be retained because, currently on that wall (according to client) is washing mashine, so through this wall must go water pipes.
When that was solved, it could be approched further designing. Considering these apts are going to be for renting the solution supposed to optimize the space in order of maximum usage. Every apt have separated bedroom, but every living room could be used as bederoom also. Living rooms are open concept, but with left possiblity of closing them with additional walls. Basement space can be treated as separative apt (it have all functions) or as part od apt No. 2.
Furniture is mostly white, with few vivid coloures, that will revive the space. Floors are dark as contrast to bright furniture.