New York, NY, USA
business - large-office
853 layout description
The design is for the fourth largest real estate brokerage in nyc with over 500 agents, so if design is selected it might be a great portfolio builder. In addition there might be pr opportunities if selected.
Our company logo/company colors are black and white and we use a minty green/gold as a an accent color.
All desks should have some minimal partitioning
Modern look probably earth tones see pics
Open ceiling layout with exposed beams and open space maximizing 4 exposures of large windows with fantastic manhattan views
Approximately 80 workstations in an open bullpen style layout
Of the 80 work stations a mix of 25-40 60” X 24” interview desks where customers can sit across or beside the desk and the remainder a mix of 48” X 24” and 42” X 24” . These widths can be played with a bit .
A separate section of a mix of 30 desks.
Some 48 “X 24” straight cubes and some 5’ X 5’ L shaped stations
2 small phone booths 4’ X 5’? dont need exterior windows
2 manager offices should be no larger than 8’ X 8’? One should be able to see as much of the floor as possible though interior windows
1 lobby near the elevators
Glass double doors?
1 agent lounge
1 customer lounge/lobby
1 large conference room
1 medium conference room
as many small 8’ X 8’is private offices as possible with or without exterior windows.
AC unit goes in one of the south facing windows on the west wall
Kitchen/dining area in corner near bathrooms?
The bathrooms are what they are
need storage closet
IT closet can be combine with storage
a small sound proofed room where agents can relax in massage chairs ( a dry spa type of zen room)
coat storage
a customer and employee printing areas possibly second employee printing area with work space for assembling large proposals and board packages
It is alot of requirements for the space so design may need to be creative
Having the area by the far windows raised a bit would be great to help see the park below
I added a drawing made of an idea we had for a lay out
one other requirement is one unbroken wall where we can hang our thousands of keys we have
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