Bari, Metropolitan City of Bari, Italy
Residential - Loft
According to the client's premises, the important and main object of this competition was the expansion/renovation of the dressing room.
This had to be spacious and comfortable, but the measurements were already given so the only thing possible was to find the best way to link it with the bedroom.
I think that with two small changes (the location of the bathroom door and the elimination of useless mochettes) it was possible to integrate a really spacious comfortable suite.
Thinking about the adjacent loft, it was requested to be able to enter from the street, from the garden and also from the house, maintaining privacy.
The entrance is from the side street, which gives it greater privacy. The extension of the current garden with the new one entails a difference in level of 0.80 that is solved with 4 very comfortable steps. Olive, mandarin and 4-season lemon are the recommended trees, then medium plants and amphorae will complete it.
Access to the loft from the current living space through a secret door in the dressing room makes it a great private living space.
The characteristics of this are those seen in the references, a lot of glass, a wooden staircase, a central wood stove, a large library and a media center. A small kitchen and outdoor grill complete the ground level.
Upstairs there is a comfortable enough bathroom with a cabin with a Scottish shower. The bedroom balconies over the living room without much pretension of storage space.
I sincerely hope you like it and thank you very much