04019 Terracina, Province of Latina, Italy
Residential - Living/Sleeping Area
Dear Client,
I offer you a proposal for the design of your apartment (New Living and Kitchen).
- The living room is designed to accommodate all possible daily activities such as watching TV, eating, reading and drinking tea by dividing it into several zones, each of which accommodates a specific activity in addition to dining table .
- The living room was designed according to the modern system and moved to the western corner of the plan (the side of the terrace) in order to achieve the maximum possible use of the apartment space
- The living room consists of the sofa to be kept and a chair, a TV, a library for books, storing things and a small chair next to them.
- The dining room and the living room are separated by a glass divider to give the feeling of the spaciousness of the space as well as the
- The kitchen is designed to accommodate every size of all appliances such as a refrigerator, dishwasher, stove and kitchen corner, in addition to the fact that we can also add a washing machine in its previous place as desired.
- A small table for fast food is designed in a carved triangle shape to match the shape of the kitchen, which takes the shape of a triangle
- A sliding door for the kitchen was designed to give a feeling of spaciousness and also so as not to disturb the eye in the decor of the
living room - The kitchen door was moved from the western side to the eastern side in order to be close to the dining room separation of each space from the other .
The washing machine was placed near the bathroom to save space inthe kitchen. It can also be placed inside the bathroom if possible.The entrance to the corridor can be designed in the form of a arch in order to obscure the presence of the washing machine (so that it is not visible to the viewer from the living room
- The lighting designed for the home is characterized by simplicity and sophistication. The living room contains Spots and Round Middle Lamp characterized by a modern style, with another source of lighting coming the chandelier in the middle of the room with some circular lamp located Above the Dinning table, As well as the lighting in the kitchen is quiet and simple, and does not have a lot of cost, as shown in the 3D Shots
- The lighting of the rooms also depends on the chandeliers in the Bohemian style, around which there are many spots
We must mention the hidden lighting in the gypsum board, In addition, we have natural lighting Coming from the wide balcony and Windows .
I did not see that the apartment needs many modifications in its plan, so I kept it with the modification of the furniture and interior decoration As Shown
Furniture used in the design :
It is designed in a modern style, characterized by simplicity, to suit the surrounding environment, inexpensively, it can be made easily, and it is preferable to make and not buy it to get the required specifications as they are .
The places to purchase some of the used brushes will be shown in the illustrations at reasonable prices according to the required specifications
The lighting elements used and where to buy them will also be clarified
Links To Buy Other Furniture :
Entronce Chair :https://www.maisonsdumonde.com/FR/fr/p/fauteuil-design-tissu-vert-foret-pieds-metal-noir-jonas-M22041976.htm
Dinning Chair : https://www.maisonsdumonde.com/FR/fr/p/lot-de-2-chaises-rembourees-avec-accoudoirs-gris-buddy-M20021789.htm
Living Chair : https://www.maisonsdumonde.com/FR/fr/p/fauteuil-club-en-velours-beige-taupe-laconia-M21050476.htm
Chair Next To TV : https://www.maisonsdumonde.com/FR/fr/p/fauteuil-pivotant-imitation-fourrure-ecrue-pulp-216418.htm
Banquet : https://homzmart.com/product-details/BED.BF11A?gclid=CjwKCAjw0dKXBhBPEiwA2bmObU30mZHzoB-9kMD-pt4Snf2B2s9ZUk-gY_hxwH5JeR-0JymKH_h55RoCF0kQAvD_BwE
Mirror : https://www.amazon.com/HARRITPURE-Arched-Top-Standing-Aluminum-Cloakroom/dp/B09GFSN4HW/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=arched%2Bfull%2Blength%2Bmirror&qid=1660269939&sr=8-3&th=1
Tea Tables :
Side Tables :
Lighting in order of picture :