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housing - small-apt


  • engineer
  • Athina, Greece
Project description

Objectives: Sleep Area at least one bed 2 x 1, desk at least 2 x 0,60, another closet, bookcases and cabinets. Comfort movements. Light.
Solutions: To achieve comfort and movement sensing the bed was placed perpendicular to the long wall on the wall of the window and not to the normal low height, but the upper layer being flush with the heater s gap. Bench width 50 cm at height 35 cm, which serves as a step for the bed but also if we want we can hide a roller bed for guests. Thus we achieve to free space from the center of the room and create a seating area.
On the office wall mounted shelves and cabinets can be from IKEA BESTA series. As backsplash pieces of old newspapers.
The new 1-meter length wardrobe positioned opposite the door and the suspended ceiling is created adding the input sense space. Of course if you like you can buy a bigger closet and make the desk smaller.
On the wall behind the door stick mirror tiles from IKEA.
Regarding the materials no special requirements since the floor is not changed and the walls are painted white. That is why there is no material table.
Regarding the furniture, most are custom, but can be found and ready made (IKEA too) but without the same aesthetic result.

We did and one more simple solution that you can see the difference (3 pics) . Furniture available in stores.

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