
housing - small-apt


  • architect
  • CAGLIARI, Italia
Project description

As a response to the brief points, the proposal consists of three interior design interventions:
Design interventions related to this space have the purpose to achieve the goal of a bigger living room, as an open space that is a real contemporary principle in architecture. At the same time, it is considered quite important to avoid the risk of a space lacking in character or consistence. So the design operations aim to transform the “framework” plan into a living open space that integrates all contemporary house equipment like a sequence of “3 domestic sculptures” which organize the new interior articulation balancing solids and voids of the living room.
It is conceived as a real contemporary domestic landscape where you suddenly could recognize 3 different, very characterized and autonomous objects that create a system for your home equipment.

- Wallpaper Bookcase (interchangeable with Standing Green Wall)
- Work&Leisure Station
- Standing Green Wall (interchangeable with Wallpaper Bookcase)
You can freely move around according to the basic principle for open spaces. Plus, the three objects articulate the solids and voids sequence, and the space in between could be totally free, or better in this particular case, it is partially occupied by pre-existent furniture: the kitchen table and the sofa are kept as part of the design proposal. In addiction you will combine these elements with kitchen and other domestic furniture specified in the report.
The position of the sofa is closely linked to the Wallpaper Bookcase area: it is conceived as a real façade with a full high drawing (MIAMI Wallpaper by Cole and Son’s) and square metal inserts for reading/music equipment. The Work/Leisure Station it is a “carved-wall” that takes the existent partition place, getting it ticker. It contains inserts useful for laundry uses and to accommodate TV with best orientation on one side, and a workstation and coat hanger on the other side. The entrance is partially occupied by the existent table, and is totally connected with the kitchen area using a green filter: the Standing Green Wall (Lanna, Arko design by Kein Lucas) is a screening device with terracotta pots. You can use it as a freestanding configuration between entrance and kitchen area, or as an alternative the screen can be fixed to the wall. In fact the Standing Green Wall and the Wallpaper Bookcase are interchangeable, it depends on the level of privacy you would like to achieve between the entrance and kitchen area. The project provides the two options. The kitchen (Carrè by Ernesto Meda) is placed in parallel with sculptures and it is totally integrated with the new domestic landscape thanks to the Kitchen Tower, the extreme component that characterizes the Carrè kitchen model, that provides everyday house equipment crossing the main path between living room and master bedroom.
To emphasize the new living room openness and fluency, another design operation deals with light system. Apart from punctual pieces like Toio (FLOS) or Nomad Smoon (Beau&Bien), the domestic landscape is completed with light-rail system proposal, totally flexible according to different areas of the new living room. The project provides an hypothetical configuration.

The Report attached provides suggestions about furniture. House equipment is integrated with armchair area in front of verandas (Pelican Chair by Finn Juhl) and master bedroom furniture: bed is Jakie by Poltrona Frau, bedside tables are Cicognino by Franco Albini, and finally the wardrobe is Plurimo by Jesse.
The design proposal suggests the use of Listone Giordano/Rovere Tortora (flooring) – gray solid color as wall finishing - gres covering of kitchen wall using Stone Tech / Taupe Chiaro 20x20

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