

Rome, Italy

Residential - House

Stoean Ana

  • architect
  • BucureČ™ti, Romania
Project description

The main goal of the project was to maximize the use of space and light inside and outside the villa. The ground floor is treated as an entrance space being a different volume apart of the house, in terms of facade design. An enlargement of the window would be recommended as now the interior space receives only little light. Thus can also be taken further into a spot-light system, arranged on the perimeter of the ceiling inside the living and dining rooms and concentrated towards the dining and coffee table.The chimney is positioned such way that it can be admired from indoors as well as from outdoors. Outdoors we have a lounge space , near the entrance of the house which means also closeness to the kitchen and another resting place near the decorative fountain having also a view to the garden. It would be recommended to change the orientation of the garage entrance, pointing it towards the back of the house whilst having the wall next to the main entrance covered with moos or climbing plants, revealing a more natural view when entering. Taking into consideration that you would like wooden floors but have difficulties into keeping it unscratched and clean, the renders include tiles from Trevekfusion by Marazzi that look very much like wooden floors , having also the advantages of tiles: easy to clean and to maintain.The upper floor has been pictured as a more private space , maybe more cheerful. The renders display 2 variations of colors with more or less accents creating a difference in style between living on the ground floor and living on the first floor.

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