
My new home

09170 Oristano, Province of Oristano, Italy

Residential - Apartment

Hagar Alaa Eldeen

  • architect
  • Cairo, Egypt
Project description

Dear Client,

I present to you the interior design plan drawings of the Ground Floor Apartments (My New Home).

Work has been done on designing the ground floor of your building, which consists of 4 floors, and the design points have been summarized as follows:
1- The entrance door to the building, which contains stairs, was moved slightly to the left and the entrance to the apartment to be designed was closed from this side to provide more spaces inside the apartment.
2- A new entrance to the apartment was created from the stairs on the right. We enter the apartment to find a square entrance area with a wardrobe, a shoe cabinet, and a seat. Then we move to a corridor that leads in several directions:
A - The living room and dining table with an open kitchen area, with a TV in front of them and other types of furnishings, such as a reading corner located next to the dining table.
B- Another small corridor leading to the guest bathroom and the exit door leading to the basement, in addition to another larger corridor.
C- The corridor of the rooms leads to the master bedroom and the study room, which has a sofa that can be transformed into a single bed when needed, in addition to another bathroom with a shower.

best wishes ..

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