
housing - small-apt

Yasmine Benetti

  • interior-designer
  • Arzignano, Italy
Project description

Hi Jerome,
this is my project for you! I hope you like it!

I divide your bedroom in 4 areas so you can separate all your activities.

w a r d r o b e
Entering in the room you can immediately change clothes and put them in the huge closet large 2m. I kept your green mirror to the left. This green has became the main color of the room.

m u s i c . z o n e
I saw in your photos you've got a piano and a guitar. So I wanted to create a comfortable zone to play your music. Be inspirated by what's happening outside the window....

w o r k . c o r n e r
I'm not a feng shui counselor but I work with one and I learn some notions. Ideally located for the desk is opposite to the door, it's the position of the power! The wall behind means safety and importance for the worker.

s l e e p i n g . a r e a
I tried to create a cozy sleeping area for your rest and for your relaxing moments. The ceiling drape is easy to realize! If you'll choose this project as the winner I'll be happy to help you with a tutorial.
I think you can put all your books on some shelves above the bed and on the library that screens the bed.

Thank you for your attention and for the opportunity!

Good choise!

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