
My new apartment in Giulianova

64021 Giulianova, Province of Teramo, Italy

Residential - Apartment

Jose Perfetto

  • architect
  • Lombardore, Italy
Project description

The concept is based on the approach to satisfy two most important things.
The first thing is the client's needs written in the briefing and in the answers to the questions posted by the designers. The second thing that I was guided during the project is that the potentially this apartment represents a pleasant ambient, both for tenants and for guests, and to gain a strong impressions while staying in.

The interventions show apartment planed with main quality which is recognized as ''day zone'' improved by the fact that the living room, kitchen and dining room are composed up to form as unique large open space.
In the night zone of the apartment, childrens room were reorganized, the master room is planned without a glass screen in front of the closet to get better flow space.

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