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housing - small-apt

Virginia Cosenza

  • architect
  • London, United Kingdom
Project description

for my project i choose a fresh and colourful layout .
I designed new graphics of the fishes , trying to give a linear and modern design to those symbols.
Every floor has got its own colour in addition to the symbol in order to have a greater recognizability in the building.
The floor signages are different single pieces put together like a puzzle.
For the external elements the materials are eco friendly, not expensive and trendy.
The main signage and the bunner are made of coloured fruit boxes and vertical wooden planks that define the structure , on a basement of pallet .
The main entrance signage represents a sort of fountain: in the middle there is water flowing, and the name of the place is cutted on the wooden planks with the fruit boxes that show behind.
For the banner i used the same design: the planks as well as the boxes could be used for advertising , moreover on this you can see the fishes symbols of the building.
Really hope you like my proposal ,
Thank you

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