
Mollières home

10054 Cesana Torinese, Metropolitan City of Turin, Italy

Residential - Apartment

Zdravko Barisic

  • architect
  • Kragujevac, Serbia
Project description

Hello my dear Clients,
Thanks you for this very inspirative challenge like contest. At the first glance, I sad to myself "no way to fit it all, I quit!", but suddenly, somehow, it was made....with all your needs, literally, even all furniture parts found its place.
Just few notes:
1. South entrance// If you wish you can remove this small structure, like some small hallway/entrance, as nothing will change crucialy.
2. Pouff, when it is not used, it is placed within TV wall, below the shelves.
3. Daily office and dinning table// it looks like chairs hit each other, but keep in mind you will not use these chairs at same time, and you are only 3 of you, so it not issue at all. If you look at the table lines, it looks perfect.
4. Hallaway folding chair// great stuff, check google about this
5. Bidet and toilet seat// are close to each other, but again, only one of them will be used at same time, so, no issue.
6. Enjoy!

Best R


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