23807 Merate, Province of Lecco, Italy
Residential - House
Dear Client,
I am extremely grateful to you for giving us the opportunity to design your residential space. Congratulations on choosing a modern style for your unit, and the beautiful and detailed lighting above the house.
We have carefully considered your needs, requests, limitations, and the current situation of the building. After testing various options, we have come up with the following design proposal. Our aim was to present a practical design that maintains the modern style. One of the key design elements we've used is texture.
Descriptions related to the design of each space and each floor are presented separately on the sheet associated with each floor. If you find that the interior design of the sample lacks a specific style or color, don't worry. If you like the overall design and choose it, the redesign will be included in the project without any additional fees.
We sincerely hope that the design proposal we have provided meets your needs. If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Best regards.