
housing - small-apt

Brent Gosselin

  • architect
  • Lebanon, USA
Project description

Dear customers,
We proposed in our design two different options. In the first one we demolished part of the wall of the existing storage room and replaced the post with a vertical beam. In this way we expanded the kitchen room with the creation of a central island. In the second option we maintained all the structural walls, including the post in the island design. In this way we created a pantry area with a big refrigerator unit.
Both option are very functional and if you'd like we could explore in the future with more details both options.
For the design of the kitchen we was inspired from your amazing idea to use metal cabinet and cement moroccan tiles. We visited some website like: or, that sells for 17,85 $/mq, but you can use any local company, avoiding to pay shipping fee.
We are really thankful for the opportunity to design your space, hoping you will find a nice solution that makes happy you and your family.

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