Baltimore, MD, USA
Residential - Sleaping Area
I used the wall facing the door as the focal point to put the stand alone tub and the shower, in addition i raised its floor to grab more attention to this zone, and also this would facilitate the pips installation. As for the materials, i used water proof wood for this zone in order to add a more luxurious and a cozy feeling to the master bathroom.
I tried to put toilet away from the visual axes of the door -right under the window- which would also facilitate pips installation.
As for the vanity, i placed the vanity in two separate platforms fixed to the wall not the ground right in front of the tub to widen the space as much as possible and add a modern touch to the bathroom.
Concerning the lighting scheme, i tried to distribute the spot lights inside wooden beams to give a homogeneous atmosphere in addition to a couple of lighting units next to the tub.