
Living Space Spring Style!

City of London, England, United Kingdom

housing - medium-apt

  • engineer
  • ,
Project description

this interior
design project we wanted to keep
the same arrangement of furniture to not break your
budget, especially with regard to the kitchen area.
First we replaced the sofa with one
of the same capacity but without the peninsula, as the space did not permit it.
From the state of affairs shows that the family has a significant amount of OBJECTS, books
and magazines, so you have chosen
the furnishings with a large storage capacity, both for the TV area,
which for the dining area where it
is thought a library that covers the scale, with
a sliding door that allows entry into the scale below.
The cuisine has a wide zone snack /
breakfast that divides the working
area with the living area.
The style and the colors are very modern designed and selected so as to be
readily available from IKEA.
The curved wall accanta
to the kitchen area, for highlight, was coated with a wallpaper of similar
style to the selected furnishings.

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