
Architectural Design Report

Project Overview:
The project entails the design of a spacious second-floor loft within a three-storey building, encompassing approximately 270m² of floor space. The primary objective is to create an open and modern living space while addressing the need for privacy and functional divisions within the area.

Design Solution:
The proposed design incorporates the following key elements:

Privacy Solutions:
A glass enclosure with metal frames has been introduced around the staircase entrance to provide privacy without compromising the scenic view.
The dividing partition between the staircase and the bedroom area features semi-transparent panels to allow light transmission while maintaining privacy. However, the partitions facing the bedroom are opaque to ensure privacy in the sleeping area.

Layout Configuration:
The layout is divided into distinct zones, including a spacious bathroom, a walk-in wardrobe, and an open bedroom area.
Area "A" is designated for a private changing or storage space, offering functionality without encroaching on the main living areas.
The bathroom, positioned in the northern part of the floor, features a generous layout with a large shower, toilet, bidet, double sink, and a freestanding bathtub.
Adjacent to the bathroom, the walk-in wardrobe provides ample storage space for clothing and accessories.
The open bedroom area is situated adjacent to the walk-in wardrobe, maximizing space and creating a seamless flow within the loft.

Stove Integration:
The existing smoke outlet is utilized to incorporate a modern designer stove, serving as a focal point while providing warmth and ambiance to the space.

Aesthetic and Style:
Drawing inspiration from the overall design aesthetic of the house, the loft features a sober and modern ambiance with clean lines, neutral tones, and natural wood accents.
The darker beams have been sanded to match the overall aesthetic, contributing to a cohesive and harmonious design.

Functional Elements:
Lighting design incorporates a combination of natural light from windows and skylights, supplemented by strategically placed artificial lighting fixtures to enhance ambiance and functionality.
Durable and easy-to-maintain flooring options, such as hardwood or engineered wood, are utilized throughout the loft, with rugs for added comfort and style.
Quality finishes and fixtures are selected for the bathroom and walk-in wardrobe to enhance both aesthetics and functionality.
The design includes a dedicated reading-TV-fireplace area within the bedroom space, providing a cozy and inviting environment for leisure activities.

It is noted that the windows facing the bedroom cannot be merged due to structural constraints, as the load-bearing elements of the roof rely on this wall for support, making it impractical to remove.

The proposed architectural design for the second-floor loft successfully addresses the client's requirements for privacy, functionality, and modern aesthetics. By incorporating innovative solutions and thoughtful design elements, the loft is transformed into a stylish and comfortable living space that harmonizes with the overall design concept of the house.
