
housing - small-apt

Danilo Vuletic

  • architect
  • Beograd-Novi Beograd, Serbia
Project description

Aim of this contest was to form functional, warm living area with low budget.

I used the corridor area to place tall shoe cabinet, coat hanger and umbrella stand to provide a storage space at the entrance. Also the chest with cushion is there to be more comfortable when taking shoes on and off.The Mirror is there to give illusion of bigger space because corridor is narrow.

Dining area:
In dining area i placed a transparent shelf to provide dividing piece of furniture between entry hall and living area.
Dining area is big enough to accommodate 4 persons. It creates warm and separate area of the room with floor lamp,patchwork carpet and framed pictures on the dining area wall.

The living room:
The seating consists of two-seat sofa and two armchairs placed around small coffee table. Seating is organized so it has view to both TV stand and the glass balcony door. TV stand is placed on the wall with tv socket for easier access as required. Living room furniture is facing away from dining area to provide feeling of independent space. I put the white curtain on the balcony wall in order to protect residents from the hot sun in the summer (because it is south oriented room).

Materials and furniture:
I chose to keep the color of the walls as it is because they look freshly painted and also provide the feeling of warmer space. The tiles are also the original ones in order to save budget money and they fit into interior nicely.
Every single piece of furniture is measured to fit the apartment's provided floor plan. Owner can buy and install every proposed piece of furniture without wandering if furniture dimensions will fit the apartment. Everything is already measured and calculated.
The price of all required furniture pieces and accessories is calculated and displayed on the furniture/accessories sheet. With this,the owner is informed how much will cost the entire investment.

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