
housing - small-apt

Jose Perfetto

  • architect
  • Lombardore, Italy
Project description

The plan shows the layout of all the facilities you would like to have in your new garden and the solutions to improve your entrance appeal.
My advice is to carry out some little changes that together will make your entrance both more visible and welcoming.
A different choice and layout of the plants are really helpful: you just need to eliminate the high shrub on the left corner to clear the view and replace it with a lower perennials bed that will draw the guests’ attention to the entrance side of the house.
A welcoming side as well with a bench along the way and a couple of chairs under the big tree; maybe one or two of its lower branches need to be pruned off but the tree will keep its beauty while making your entrance more visible.
Planters between the garage and the bench will allow you to grow climbers on the wall if you like them or just more flowers that will add charm along the pathway.
One last advice if, as it looks from the picture, the path to the garage is made of asphalt: you can cover it with an ornamental concrete paving that will fit with the pathway along your house and the wood floor of the dining and seating area.
There I have placed planters for perennials and little shrubs and a pool with two different levels, a higher one close to the wall and a lower one; if you like you can grow aquatic plants or just enjoy the look of the water.
Finally I think your new studio is going to be really nice to be looked at and that’s why I have placed it where you can enjoy its view from your relaxing area and vice versa.
The frame is made of cedar wood that will mellow to a silvery grey over time without the need for treatment or you can choose any color you like best, as you can for planters, bench, chairs and sofa colors.
Hope you enjoy your new garden.

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